Hail storms are a common threat to different parts of the home, and homeowners are often concerned about the effects of hail on their property.

When it comes to hail damage on homes, solar panels are not left behind. Those small ice balls affect solar panels, but the effects can vary depending on the region. 

But can hail damage solar panels? This is one question you want to ask when planning to go solar but are hesitant due to the fear of splitting your solar panels. 


This piece takes a look into the effects of hail on solar panels and what you can do to protect your solar system: 

Can hail damage solar panels?

The good news about solar panels is that they can withstand a decent amount of hail storms. Manufacturers designed their products to weather hard conditions. 

A study carried out by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory(NREL) shows that the risk of hail damaging solar panels is less than 5%. This is a relief to homeowners with solar. 

However, this doesn’t mean solar panels are completely safe from the risk of getting damaged by hail. The 5% result in the study is still a concern, especially for those residing in areas with frequent hailstorms. 

Homeowners in these areas need to understand the effect of hail on their solar PVs and what is within their reach to protect their solar panels. 


Effects of Hail on Solar Panels

Components Damage 

One effect of hailstones on solar panels is cracks and scratches. Although solar panel manufacturers ensure their products are well protected, there have been reports of hail causing cracks on solar panels. 

A well-protected solar panel is covered with a thick layer of tempered glass, which can withstand a substantial amount of hail and other hard impacts. But higher intensity can damage solar panels. 

The report surrounding hailstorm and solar panels are mixed. While some homeowners report cracks and scratches on their solar panels, others say their solar panels still maintain a good look after a heavy hailstorm. 

However, even if the surface has no cracks or scratches after a hailstorm, the internal components, such as the internal solar cells, suffer some damage.

Reduced Performance

Another way hail affects solar panels is how it reduces solar PVs’ performance. Although a cracked solar panel can still function, it won’t meet up with its expected performance. Cracks on solar panels reduce efficiency, voltage, and output. 

For example, if hail damaged 20% of the total cells inside a panel, the panel would experience 20% less peak voltage. 

Another way hail can reduce performance is owners playing negligence on little signs on their solar panels. Not taking care of cracks on solar panels immediately after a hailstorm gives way to moisture, destroying more internal components. This reduces the performance further. 


Warranty Limitations

The major concern with hail damage on solar panels is that most warranties don’t cover hail damage. Even when the warranty covers hail-related damage under the “environmental factors” category, there are still limitations to the coverage. 

The solution for those that reside in areas prone to receiving hailstorms is to understand the scope of the coverage.  

Additional Insurance Costs

Although standard home insurance usually covers solar arrays installed on rooftops, it is important to verify if it covers hail-related damage on solar panels. 

If your insurance doesn’t cover hail damage on solar panels, you would need to purchase a separate policy or extend the existing one. This results in additional insurance costs. 

Similarly, if your insurance policy only covers solar panels installed on rooftops, but your panels are installed on a carport or the ground, there is a need for an add-on policy or a separate policy for your panels. This is necessary since your solar panels are not directly attached to the home.


How to Prevent Hail From Damaging Solar Panels

Although you can hardly control the intensity of hail hitting your home, you can control the effect of hail on your solar panels. 

Here are a few ways to protect hail from damaging your solar panels:

Choose Quality

High-quality solar panels feature durable materials and construction with high safety ratings. Hence, they can weather harsh weather conditions like hail. 

While high-quality solar panels may carry a high upfront cost, they give you peace of mind during hail storms.

Invest In a Plexiglas Shield

A Plexiglas shield is one excellent means to protect your solar panels against hail damage. 

This is a transparent material that protects solar panels from weather elements like hailstorms, high winds, and rain. The beauty of this material is that it is transparent and doesn’t impede sunlight from reaching the solar panels. 

When properly installed, Plexiglas will protect your solar panels without stealing their efficiency. 

There are two options for applying Plexiglas on solar panels: spraying the material or applying it as a layer. Both options are effective, though. The only caution with spraying is to spare the metal parts, especially those that conduct electricity.